Loving Touch
8 Week Online Class
Loving Touch is an 8 week journey to deeper embodiment and healing connection with yourself and others.
The course can be utilized solo or with a partner. The partner can be a platonic or romantic one.
Touch is one of our most treasured love languages.
This course is based on principles of Reiki, energy healing, and non verbal tactile communication to create a space of sacred, connection oriented touch.
The course is a total of 8 weeks long, with 4 class modules of 2 weeks' duration.
Each class is delivered via email.
Classes include instructional videos, guided meditations, and writing prompts.
At the end of each 2 week section there will be a live video class for students to connect, share experiences, and ask questions.
8 Week Online Class
Loving Touch is an 8 week journey to deeper embodiment and healing connection with yourself and others.
The course can be utilized solo or with a partner. The partner can be a platonic or romantic one.
Touch is one of our most treasured love languages.
This course is based on principles of Reiki, energy healing, and non verbal tactile communication to create a space of sacred, connection oriented touch.
The course is a total of 8 weeks long, with 4 class modules of 2 weeks' duration.
Each class is delivered via email.
Classes include instructional videos, guided meditations, and writing prompts.
At the end of each 2 week section there will be a live video class for students to connect, share experiences, and ask questions.
Class Schedule
Part 1: Opening Intentions
Weeks 1-2
Opening Ritual
Grounding Practice
Eye Gazing
Introducing the Loving Touch style of self directed awareness
Part 2: Giving and Receiving
Weeks 3-4
Establishing personal relationship to diving and receiving
Deepening communication with self and others
Troubleshooting friction points when it comes to deeply feeling, giving, and receiving
Part 3: Details and Connection
Weeks 5-6
Increasing awareness of details to expand personal technique
Introspective focus to deepen connection with self and others
Specific techniques to experiment and identify preferred touch styles
Part 4: Skill and Communication
Weeks 7-8
Habitualizing what was learned to carry forward after class
Noticing and valuing other perspectives
Planning for the future
Loving Touch Class Enrollment has ended.
To be notified the next time this course is offered, fill out the form below:
Energy Sweep Exercise from Class 1